BONNY&J マナソープ MD5 100g デイリーケア (泡立てネット付)
- 定価
$52.46 - 定価
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MANA SOAPは低温製法であるコールドプロセス法で製造されています。外部から熱を加えずに製品を製造し、自然乾燥させる自然な製法です。このプロセスの利点の 1 つは、損傷を与えることなく原材料の有益な成分を保存できることです。製造プロセスには最大 48 時間かかり、その後 6 週間の熟成期間を経て、完全に天然の石鹸が誕生します。この工程を経て、丹精込めて高品質な天然石鹸が生まれます。

植物由来の石鹸ベース: 植物由来の石鹸ベースで、優しく効果的な洗浄体験を提供します。
グリコール酸: 角質除去特性で知られるアルファ ヒドロキシ酸 (AHA) の一種。死んだ皮膚細胞を取り除き、滑らかで明るい肌を促進します。
プラセンタタンパク質: 動物の胎盤に由来し、肌の弾力性と水分補給を改善するのに役立つタンパク質と栄養素が含まれています。
トレハロース: 肌の水分を保持し、潤いと潤いを保つ天然の糖分子です。
竹樹液エキス: 竹から抽出され、鎮静作用と保湿作用があり、肌を落ち着かせて潤いを与えます。
レモングラス オイル: さわやかで爽快な香りで知られるエッセンシャル オイル。また、皮膚の洗浄に役立つ抗菌特性もあります。
アスコルビルリン酸ナトリウム: 安定したビタミン C で、抗酸化作用があり、コラーゲンの生成を促進しながら肌を明るくします。
肌が荒れてくすんでいる場合: 肌が荒れていてツヤがなくなっている場合、この製品は肌の質感を改善し、輝きを取り戻すのに役立ちます。
穏やかな角質除去: フォームを使用して死んだ皮膚細胞を優しく取り除き、肌を滑らかにすることを好む場合は、この製品が適しています。

What is the expiration date of the product?
Each product has a separate expiration date indicated, as the shelf life may vary depending on the nature of the cosmetic. We guarantee ample expiration dates for all products. We strive to ensure distribution of products made with the most recent manufacturing dates.
I have placed an order for a product. How long is the handling time?
The handling time ranges from a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 4 days.
What is the delivery deadline?
The delivery time for cosmetics is typically around 10-14 days. However, if there are holidays in the country of origin or the destination, the delivery time may be extended. If your country is a conflict zone, it may take more than 30 days for delivery.
If you have ordered a machine, we will ship it via DHL Express. (If you have ordered both a machine and cosmetics together, they will be shipped in the same box.) With DHL Express shipping, it will be transported by a special cargo plane, and you will receive the package within 7 days.
I purchased it as a gift. Is gift wrapping available?
It is packaged with a cushioning material to prevent damage to the product due to overseas delivery. We do not provide separate gift wrapping with decorative packaging.
Why is there an additional shipping fee for machine products?
We offer free shipping for cosmetics and skincare products. However, for electronic products, we do charge a shipping fee. The reason behind this is related to customs clearance. It has been challenging to go through customs with beauty machines using regular international couriers. As a solution, we have opted for DHL Express. The shipping fee for machines is due to the cost of using DHL Express, which ensures faster and smoother customs clearance. With DHL Express, the delivery time is within 7 days.
If you purchase cosmetics and machines together, they will be shipped in the same package and you can expect to receive them within 7 days.
How do I Start Wholesale Business?
Please reach out to our Customer Service Center by emailing us at
We will respond to your inquiry with comprehensive information on our wholesale policies and address any specific details you would like to know.
- If you haven't received a response from our team, please check your spam or junk folders and ensure that our Customer Service Center email address is added to your safe-list.
Can you help me find the product I'm looking for?
Are you unable to find the type or brand of product you desire on this website? If so, please send us an email with your request.
We are committed to continuously improving and striving for customer satisfaction.
Please contact our CS Center or send us an email (
Certainly. We provide after-sales service (AS) support. If the machine is broken, please record a video of the troubleshooting process and send it to us via email. We will directly forward the video to the machine supplier to find a solution for you.